Creating Projects & Recording Tests on TestStudio for iOS

In my previous post Configuring or Deploying ‘Telrik TestStudio for iOS’ on iOS Simulator on XCode Mac showed you how to deploy TestStudio Extension on iOS Simulator. But now it’s time to perform, creating projects and recording test cases for the automation.

When you open the TestStudio on iOS Simulator first there are 2 options on the home screen:

  • Testing
  • Settings
Select testing and navigate to next page from where you actually need to create the new Project.
Here you can select the big Circular icon in the middle or +Add button in the Right Bottom of the simulator. After Navigating, give a new name to the project and click on Save on the Top-Right in simulator.
Now, from here you need to add test name & test type (Web App test or Native App test), which need to be test.
So, to add new app type & test click on the big Circular icon in middle or click +Add button in Right Bottom. Then you’ll be navigated to page where it will ask you to add a Web App or a Native App.
So, here I am adding a Demo_test as a test name and selecting Web Test as I need to test an WebApp and then click on save.
After saving now you are ready to do recording for the app test. From the given below screen shot of simulator:
So, now you can record your test cases by clicking on the big Circular icon of Steps in Middle or by clicking Record button in Bottom Left.
So now start recording test and if you want to give a target to add a task click on the + button in bottom middle to add:
So, when you add task, you have to select whether you are testing for verification or for action.
Select according to the requirements you have, like in this give below case I am selecting Verifications to Verify Attribute Value.
Now here give a case on which attribute you want to verify, like here I am checking on the basis of image source.
Now pause the recording and navigate to recorded steps by clicking on small steps icon in right bottom of the iOS Simulator. Now here are all the your steps which you have recorded to perform your test or tasks.
So here now you can play your record, add some other tasks & can get result reports as well. 
This how you can keep on testing your iOS apps in simulator with a few clicks which will give you better and accurate results to increase the performance of your app.

Microsoft Windows 7 on Apple iPad

Apple I-pad a 9.7” display tablet device which is made for the web-browsing & reading stuffs. But now you can do real work on this sleek & eye catching device. If you or your company has XenApp or VDI XenDesktop ( Now you can install or virtualizes the Microsoft Windows 7 on your Apple I-Pad with the Citrix VDI XenDesktop at the resolution of 1024×768 as shown in the picture given below:


Windows applications run unmodified and securely in the data center, and even multiple applications at once. The advancements that were made for the Citrix Receiver for iPhone will carry over to the iPad, however the iPhone restrictions of screen size and small keyboards are overcome with the iPad. It’s a beautiful thing ! The iPad looks to be an ideal end point device that can empower users to be productive were ever they are and IT will be able to safely deliver company hosted virtual desktops and apps without worry.