Apple’s Let loose event was actually about iPads, but did you notice these points also?

No secondary camera in iPad Pro

As I mentioned earlier about the Apple’s Let Loose event on May 07, 2024 was actually about iPads. Some of the predictions were true with new gen iPads, as shown at the event. New Silicon from Apple, slimming the iPad Pro, and two different screen size for iPad Air, everything was worth a watch. Although Apple didn’t callout a few things that they changed and hardly anyone noticed.

Apple event, let loose on 07 May 2024
Apple event, let loose on 07 May 2024

Let’s hit the rewind button and re-analyze the what Tim Cook’s team actually cooked at the Let Loose event. Continue reading “Apple’s Let loose event was actually about iPads, but did you notice these points also?”

Apple Event on May 7 2024: Let loose

Apple event, let loose on 07 May 2024

With in 24 hours on Apple TV or on YouTube we will witness the next Apple Event of 2024. This time the “Let Loose” tag line is the catch. I am having this feeling that Tim Cook will take leap in the iPad world. There are rumors for new iPad Pro and iPad Air models to launch. I agree on the new launches and upgrades, although I beg to differ on the pitch of the event. This time it would be about how this 12.9 inches of screen would make change on your lifestyle. How work would be efficient, what more you can do with the new Apple Pencil, and with the new Gen-AIs iPad would make you the creator with the a stroke on the screen. Which are eventually the highlight from the logo of the event.

Apple pen spin logo of Apple event May 07 2024
Apple pen spin logo of Apple event May 07 2024

This spinning Pencil impacts that, there are breakthrough upgrades with your iPad based work and drawings. Whereas the new super charged iPads will Continue reading “Apple Event on May 7 2024: Let loose”

#macOS Catalina available now to all @Apple #Mac users

macOS Catalina in Mac App Store

On 7th-Sep-2019 Apple announced the official release of macOS Catalina. Now it is available off-the-shelf in Apple App Store for Mac and all the new generation Mac machines will get Catalina pre-installed.

macOS Catalina in Mac App Store
macOS Catalina in Mac App Store

I already tried out the beta version of Catalina and there were so many new good features that I liked in my review. Especially Sidecar was the most effective feature I liked. There are so many features like ScreenTime, new look of Reminders, Catalyst etc. that makes the Catalina the best macOS so far. So there are few more new additions from beta to the official release. Will explore all the features now including which were there in beta version too. Continue reading “#macOS Catalina available now to all @Apple #Mac users”

How #Sidecar works on #macOS #Catalina @Apple

Sidecar the great option for extended screening on macOS Catalina and iPad

While reviewing Apple’s macOS Catalina one feature that’s appreciated the most is without any doubt, Sidecar. Even though I have posted an update about it on my Instagram, after successfully setting up the Sidecar screen sharing between MacBook Pro and iPad.

Sidecar is actually a life saver for many designers, presentation creators and app developers who always require a secondary screen with additional functionality.

Many users are benefitting from it, who are usually working on-the-go and need secondary screen for their work requirements. Sidecar cures that pain point and make their work easier. Continue reading “How #Sidecar works on #macOS #Catalina @Apple”