Syncing iOS TestStudio Projects online from device or iOS Simulator

TestStudio for iOS also gives you flexibility to Sync your projects with test cases online. Even though you can do syncing from n no. of devices to the online portal. Some of the things required, are:

  • Subscription of TestStudio for iOS web portal:
  • Telerik Account, if you don’t have create one.
  • iOS device or iOS simulator installed with Telerik TestStudio for iOS (to installation check here)
So, when you have recorded tests on your device or simulator then and have all the steps and reports you can sync it to the TestStudio Web Portal to share with your team on Here, i’ll show you now how you can sync and share the tests with your team.
First, record the required test for more information on that please read my last blog post. After when you complete your tests and creating projects. On the home screen of TestStudio for iOS click or tap on ‘Settings’:
Then settings in Settings navigate to ‘Web Portal’ Option, as shown below:
Now, log in with the your telerik account, on which you want to sync your project:
After logging in come back to the project’s listing page, and click or tap on Sync button on the Bottom left:
After when the syncing is complete now go the Test Studio Web Portal and login with the same telerik account which you configured on your iOS device or simulator. Then, there are your all the projects listed in tile view on the portal, to add some more contributor to the portal, just go and click on + button just beside Contributor:

Then this new window will come up to add the e-mail and message to your contributor.

Even though if you click on a project it, will show you the whole report, as shown below like one of the case got fail on my device and now me & contributor can check where the test has got failed:
So, this is how, you can sync & collaborate through TestStudio to make your product or app more accurate and bug free.

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